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Svarta Hästen Höstturnering 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.12.2024 16:35:53, Creator/Last Upload: UppsalaSSS

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Stan po 1 rundzie

M-sceSNrNazwiskoRgPkt TB 1  TB 2 
13Carl Berthilsson0100
4Christian Ryan0100
5Dimitar Parushev0100
9Kevin Garcia Martin0100
10Max Rasmusson1873100
67Jean Lapin00,50,50
11Rebecca Ejdemo00,50,50
81Anton Cala0000
2Calle Stuborn0000
6Francis Jones0000
8Jesper Hemmingsson0000
12Viktor Ros Persson0000
13Oscar Johansson1725000

TB 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)