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ukáž detaily turnaja

Intellektin nuorten turnaus, 6.10.2024, B-ryhmä

Posledná aktualizácia 06.10.2024 20:03:22, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Štartová listina

1D'amato, CarolinaFIN1357Int
2Sia, IsaacFIN1351MatSK
3Gelogaev, DeniFIN1349Int
4Güney, Artöm TuranFIN1329Intellekt
5Zhu, Stella522970FIN1325Aatos
6Leinonen, NoelFIN1289Int
7Nyberg, Max520985FIN1288TuTS
8Virkkala, Ville522783FIN1287MatSK
9Farnalskiy, EdgardFIN1273Int
10Viherä, IlmoFIN1273HSK
11Kuznetsov, Vasili515892FIN1269Int
12Raja, Justin PrinceFIN1259MatSK