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Intellektin nuorten turnaus, 6.10.2024, A-ryhmä

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony06.10.2024 18:02:27, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 5)

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Gorbushin, Egor521035FIN1675Norppa
2Pihlajamäki, Niklas519308FIN1647EtVaS
3Donovan, Stephen520705FIN1550Int
4Surakka, Leevi517615FIN1546MatSK
5D'amato, Raffaele518247FIN1495Int
6Tomashevich, Daniel518778FIN1467Int
7Lallukka, Eloisa520667FIN1458EtVaS
8Nappu, Denis519332FIN1458Int
9Farnalskiy, Artur519340FIN1396Int
10Donovan, Sabrina521990FIN1388Int
11Semioshko, Ilia522759FIN1385Chess Galaxy
12Li, Sixing522104FIN1368TuTS