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Highest Rating taken for pairings purposes, between CFC Quick and FIDE Rapid.

Toronto Chess Centre 1st Rapid & Social

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.10.2024 04:49:56, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 34)

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1Razin, Vadim2513
2IMVettese, Nicholas2409
3GMBykhovsky, Avigdor2386
4Mao, Fengxi2385
5CMJaferian, Koosha2362
6CMDerraugh, Geordie2273
7Joseph, Jonath2187
8IMBarron, Michael2180
9Douglas, Richard2066
10Ivanchuk, Serghii2056
11Wang, Bingfei1996
12Leung, Wah Sing (Joseph)1991
13Kucherenko, Olena1969
14Gunapalan, David1927
15Minhas, Usman1729
16Ali, Shafkat1712
17Todd, Adie1692
18Thompson, Mitchell1586
19Holden, Joseph1405
20Krivykh, Daniel1384
21Xirogiannis, Nikolaos1253
22Charles, Christopher1215
23Chen, Timmy1127
24Hafez, Sharif1000
25Chung, Christopher975
26Goff, Brent949
27Steckly, Jared0
28Wai Yan, Lu Lu0