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Highest Rating taken for pairings purposes, between CFC Quick and FIDE Rapid.Toronto Chess Centre 1st Rapid & Social Վերջին արդիացում21.10.2024 04:49:56, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 34)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | Rtg |
1 | | Razin, Vadim | 2513 |
2 | IM | Vettese, Nicholas | 2409 |
3 | GM | Bykhovsky, Avigdor | 2386 |
4 | | Mao, Fengxi | 2385 |
5 | CM | Jaferian, Koosha | 2362 |
6 | CM | Derraugh, Geordie | 2273 |
7 | | Joseph, Jonath | 2187 |
8 | IM | Barron, Michael | 2180 |
9 | | Douglas, Richard | 2066 |
10 | | Ivanchuk, Serghii | 2056 |
11 | | Wang, Bingfei | 1996 |
12 | | Leung, Wah Sing (Joseph) | 1991 |
13 | | Kucherenko, Olena | 1969 |
14 | | Gunapalan, David | 1927 |
15 | | Minhas, Usman | 1729 |
16 | | Ali, Shafkat | 1712 |
17 | | Todd, Adie | 1692 |
18 | | Thompson, Mitchell | 1586 |
19 | | Holden, Joseph | 1405 |
20 | | Krivykh, Daniel | 1384 |
21 | | Xirogiannis, Nikolaos | 1253 |
22 | | Charles, Christopher | 1215 |
23 | | Chen, Timmy | 1127 |
24 | | Hafez, Sharif | 1000 |
25 | | Chung, Christopher | 975 |
26 | | Goff, Brent | 949 |
27 | | Steckly, Jared | 0 |
28 | | Wai Yan, Lu Lu | 0 |