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Khwopa College Sports Meet- 2081 CHESS

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.10.2024 06:06:52, Creator/Last Upload: Nshrestha111

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1Kayastha, BibhushitNEP1566Science 11
2Adhikari, NischalNEP0Science 11
3Baduwal, Sagar BahadurNEP0Humanities 11
4Bakhunchhe, AnamolNEP0Management 11
5Bhandari, JenishNEP0Science 11
6Chapagain, MaheshNEP0Science 12
7Desemaru, RashibNEP0Management 12
8Duwal, AnjalNEP0Management 12
9Duwal, UnikNEP0Science 11
10Gora, RojanNEP0Law 12
11Gwachha, BishwasNEP0Science 11
12Joshi, AankritzNEP0Science 11
13Magar, Anil GhartiNEP0Management 12
14Manandhar, AnamolNEP0Science 12
15Napit, KristanNEP0BALLB II
16Sadha, SamarNEP0Management 11
17Sah, NirbhayaNEP0Science 12
18Suwal, ArnestNEP0Science 11