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Simultáneas de Ajedrez con AGM Sebástian López Fuentes Վերջին արդիացում06.10.2024 05:27:43, Creator/Last Upload: fajasparov
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
9 | | Gonzalez, Tun Aaron | 5144817 | MEX | 2031 | Yucatan |
1 | AGM | Lopez Fuentes, Wilberth Sebastian | 5198674 | MEX | 1860 | Quintana Roo |
3 | | Pool Hau, Jose Cristobal | 29653487 | MEX | 1692 | Yucatan |
7 | | Salazar, Dominguez Axel Hiram | | MEX | 1676 | Quintana Roo |
2 | | Oxte, Puc Hector Jafet | | MEX | 1635 | Yucatan |
11 | | Pool, Heredia Oliver Rafael | | MEX | 1623 | Yucatan |
5 | | Palomo, Canche Alexis Gerardo | | MEX | 1616 | Yucatan |
4 | | Cupul, Yam Hiram Alejandro | | MEX | 1612 | Yucatan |
8 | | Velazquez, Castillo Barug Shemuel | | MEX | 1568 | |
6 | | Cortes, Uch Jesus Gael | | MEX | 0 | Yucatan |
10 | | Sosa, Eliodoro Neizan Jafet | | MEX | 0 | Yucatan |