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Simultáneas de Ajedrez con AGM Sebástian López Fuentes

Last update 06.10.2024 05:27:43, Creator/Last Upload: fajasparov

Starting rank list of players

9Gonzalez, Tun Aaron5144817MEX2031Yucatan
1AGMLopez Fuentes, Wilberth Sebastian5198674MEX1860Quintana Roo
3Pool Hau, Jose Cristobal29653487MEX1692Yucatan
7Salazar, Dominguez Axel HiramMEX1676Quintana Roo
2Oxte, Puc Hector JafetMEX1635Yucatan
11Pool, Heredia Oliver RafaelMEX1623Yucatan
5Palomo, Canche Alexis GerardoMEX1616Yucatan
4Cupul, Yam Hiram AlejandroMEX1612Yucatan
8Velazquez, Castillo Barug ShemuelMEX1568
6Cortes, Uch Jesus GaelMEX0Yucatan
10Sosa, Eliodoro Neizan JafetMEX0Yucatan