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Innaguration - 10:00AM

Players Meeting - 10:15AM

1st Round - 10:30AM

Lunch will Provided for all Players

Prize Distribution - 4:00PM

IGI - U15 Chess Tournament 2024 - U08 @ Tumkur Contact - 9481674011

Darrera actualització08.10.2024 04:07:53, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Raghavendra M V

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Rànquing inicial

1Adam Kuruvila Jacob,IND0
2Agasthya G,IND0SVEI
3Anjal B H,IND0w
4Antony Eshaan,IND0
5Chanakya M R,IND0
6Gnanavi N Hungi,IND0w
7Hithan, H N531061036IND0Yash international School Hassan
8Jahnavi R,IND0w
9Nihasvi Aleti,IND0wOrchids The International School, H
10Poojitha E,IND0wVV Sanga National School
11Rishith Raghav K,IND0
12Saanvi, Santosh Angadi88135438IND0w
14Sharvi Hemanthkumar,IND0w
15Sumukha Kashyap G,IND0
16Vibha P,IND0w
17Viren Jeevan Setty,IND0
18Yashmith Aradhya B L,IND0Santhome Public School, Mandya
19Yashonandan, K H33455155IND0