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Retas Jaque Mate 2da Fuerza

Last update 06.10.2024 03:40:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras

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Starting rank

1Rios Carrillo, MelissaMEX1563
2Rios Carrillo, AllisonMEX1562
3Valverde, OmerMEX1552
4Diaz Lozano, IanMEX1550
5Chavez, MateoMEX1549
6R, Nagaya, IkerMEX1540
7Castillo Rivera, SebastianMEX1205
8Chacon Quinoez, Alan RubenMEX1201
9Aguilar Cardenas, Axel AdrianMEX1200
10Chacon Ramos, ReneMEX0