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3RA EDICION - LIGA PROFESIONAL DE AJEDREZ CABALLO NEGRO INBTEL - 1RA DIVISION Posledná aktualizácia 15.12.2024 20:24:46, Creator/Last Upload: Arbitro Hiram Ponce Alvarado
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | Elo |
6 | | CM | Miranda Ponce, Alvaro | 5102138 | 2053 |
4 | | | Mar Gonzalez, Luis Fernando | 5102715 | 2052 |
8 | | | Hernandez Sosa, Juan Anton | 5109965 | 2050 |
2 | | | Castillo Coronado, David Arturo | 5163340 | 1952 |
12 | | | Cataneo Esparza, Rene Javier | 5102154 | 1948 |
5 | | | Morales Quezada, Jose Guad | 5116406 | 1891 |
1 | | | Tejeda Garcia, Juan De Dios | 5167477 | 1872 |
7 | | | Loera Patino, Gabriel | 5151147 | 1846 |
11 | | | Angeles Vera, Mario Alberto | 5181470 | 1785 |
3 | | | Reyes Miranda, Hector | 29622611 | 1695 |
9 | | | Soto Monterrubio, Diego Arturo | 5153352 | 1669 |
10 | | | Ahumada Quintero, Edwin Aaron | | 0 |