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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Mesto igre Restoran Mala Gostiona na Palicu Goran Gabrić 065/200-66-87Palic Open 31.10.- 02.11. اخر تحديث02.11.2024 12:02:15, منشئ/آخر رفع: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | GM | Drazic, Sinisa | 901172 | SRB | 2256 |
2 | | Gabric, Goran | 936847 | SRB | 2199 |
3 | FM | Sirotanovic, Obrad | 909050 | SRB | 2149 |
4 | | Lorinc, Sandor | 922919 | SRB | 2119 |
5 | | Valitov, Ilshat | 44135394 | SRB | 1908 |
6 | | Cvijetic, Vladimir | 939102 | SRB | 1901 |
7 | | Orlic, Vukasin | 9200538 | SRB | 1901 |
8 | | Peric, Djordje | 999741 | SRB | 1888 |
9 | | Padjen, Zdenko | 14507102 | CRO | 1875 |
10 | | Markovic, Dusan D | 9227851 | SRB | 1807 |
11 | AIM | Kurkin, Aleksandr | 54134838 | RUS | 1723 |
12 | | Gabric, Blasko | 986712 | SRB | 1684 |
13 | | Ivanov, Zakhar Al | 9241102 | SRB | 1663 |
14 | | Ivanov, Semen | 522055282 | RUS | 1654 |
15 | | Gatin, Artur | 55853927 | SRB | 1633 |
16 | | Vesetskaia, Eseniia | 9223805 | SRB | 1423 |
17 | | Kuznetsov, Dmitrii A | 9246007 | SRB | 0 |
18 | | Lagan, Iaromir | 9246015 | SRB | 0 |
19 | | Lagan, Radomir | 9246023 | SRB | 0 |
20 | | Nikitskii, Ilia | 9246031 | SRB | 0 |
21 | | Milosevic, Milica M | 944076 | SRB | 1726 |
22 | | Levnajic, Katarina | 931934 | SRB | 1722 |