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Moscow chess school. October chess tournament. Dubai

Posledná aktualizácia 06.10.2024 11:12:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess-school1

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Štartová listina

1Bakhitov, TimurU08
2Gogaladze, MarkU07
3Goncharov, MatveiU08
4Goncharova, AnisiawF
5Gulyanskii, DavidU07
6Khorev, AlexeyU10
7Klimkin, SavvaU07
8Naumov, ArseniiU08
9Osadkovskii, VladimirU15
10Sannikov, StepanU10
11Sendi, DavidU15
12Shariff, DeanU15
13Tyutkov, MironU10
14Tyutkova, MiawF