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Blitz tournament will be 08th of October at 21:00.
Registration: IO,IA Pernici Rigo, Cristina
Il torneo Blitz si terrà l'8 Ottobre alle 21:00.
Iscrizione: IO,IA Pernici Rigo, Cristina

46th International Chess Open Citta di Arco - blitz

Seinast dagført08.10.2024 23:20:46, Creator/Last Upload: Sergii Larkin

Search for player Leita


1IMValles Moreno, Ivan2205688ESP2311
2FMBoder, Jan16243226GER2299
3FMSteffens, Olaf4630564GER2218
4Schellenberg, Simon1345362SUI2130
5FMRappazzo, Johannes1340069SUI2123
6CMRempe, Jonas16202406GER2037
7Kwiatkowski, Maciej1360175SUI2032
8Mastroddi, Emiliano808482ITA1969
9Hirzel, Cedric1341910SUI1960
10Meyer, Thorsten4684605GER1959
11Zayed, Ali Al-Hamed9303340UAE1946
12Kampus, Andrej14640139SLO1921
13Kasims, Stefans16245814GER1918
14Mora, Massimo829099ITA1910
15Panuganti, Kireet30903297USA1908
16Hirzel, Robin1342320SUI1861
17Rigo, Marco819930ITA1852
18Rossi Cassani, Gianni820326ITA1836
19Mariani, Alessandro28577876ITA1793
20Azinovic, Igor14654830SLO1781
21Galliani, William882070ITA1740
22Magerl, Zan14613387SLO1694
23Rempe, Lennik16248031GER1616
24Repe, Jure14669625SLO1598
25Giannone, Edoardo28557700ITA1523
26Bottarelli, Paolo23410400ITA0
27Dlugosz Cattani, RobinITA0
28Foracchia, Luca28584635ITA0
29Gheser, Amir28556577ITA0
30Kosem, Rok14620693SLO0
31Lepri, Martino28584651ITA0
32Somaschini, Marco842109ITA0