2.KJSV Jugend-Turnier (U8&U10)
Last update 18.10.2024 23:12:42, Creator: Hr. Tobias Mayrhuber,Last Upload: SPIDS
Tournament selection | U8&U10, U12&U14 |
Links | Official Homepage of the Organizer, Download invitation, Change Calendar-Link |
Parameters | No tournament details |
Lists | Starting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule |
Excel and Print | Export to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, AUT rating-calculation, QR-Codes |
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Alphabetical list
No. | | Name | Rtg | FED | Club/City |
1 | | Blieberger, Tobias | 1476 | AUT | Sv Korneuburg |
2 | | Blieberger, Marissa | 1240 | AUT | Sv Korneuburg |
3 | | Burstein, Viktoria | 0 | AUT | Kjsv Wien |
4 | | Ingemarsson, Julian Per | 1228 | AUT | Kjsv Wien |
5 | | Jauk, Juliane | 1224 | AUT | Kjsv Wien |
6 | | Jevremovic, Filip | 1496 | AUT | Sc Donaustadt |
7 | | Knittel-Templ, Arnold | 1459 | AUT | 1. Sk Ottakring |
8 | | Mitu, Robert | 1213 | AUT | Kjsv Wien |
9 | | Neuhold, Maximilian | 1246 | AUT | 1. Sk Ottakring |
10 | | Veladzic, Isak | 1549 | AUT | Kjsv Wien |
11 | | Vidovic, Johannes | 1200 | AUT | 1. Sk Ottakring |