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אליפות קרית בירליק בשחמט 2024. רמת ב

Last update 28.12.2024 10:11:20, Creator/Last Upload: Ninburg

Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED12345678Pts.Rk. TB1 
1Okatchov, Yaroslav1361ISR*00001-1261,00
2Shapiro, Artiom1496ISR1*110+015310,50
3Rotbart, Itay1448ISR10*00101353,00
4Niv, Zvi1400ISR101*01½14,549,25
5Kopilevich, Roman1323ISR1111*1016215,50
6Shagalov, Denis1250ISR0-000*01170,00
7Gluzman, Arkady1421ISR+11½11*16,5119,25
8Koren, Edvard1200ISR0000000*080,00

Tie Break1: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Forfeited games count)