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ukáž detaily turnaja
Rating used is Happy Pawn internal ELO (not FIDE or national rating)♟️Happy Pawn♟️ 27th Youth Rapid Tournament at Alliance Française U14 Posledná aktualizácia 06.10.2024 10:41:27, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | Elo | Typ |
1 | | | -, Itamar | 1282 | U10 |
2 | | | Trairat Trairattanawaraporn, Kin | 1257 | U10 |
3 | | | Sirisinghol, Natthanun (Potter) | 1242 | U14 |
4 | | | Mendel Raviv, Menachem (Mendy) | 1225 | U10 |
5 | | | Najai, Theeraphat (TongTong) | 1174 | U12 |
6 | | | Song, Yuzhe (Lele) | 1127 | U8 |
7 | | | Singh, Jasmann | 1120 | U14 |
8 | | | Chaijirakul, Charn (Jia Jia) | 1119 | U10 |
9 | | | Kong Kui Ting, Caden | 1089 | U8 |
10 | | | Chaijirakul, Chin (Xin Xin) | 1079 | U12 |
11 | | | Remigereau, Mathys | 1053 | U8 |
12 | | | Chawla, Sidhpon (Nesh) | 1009 | U12 |
13 | | | Youngwanitchsage, Thitid (Prach) | 1009 | U8 |
14 | | | Pat, Max | 978 | U8 |
15 | | | Lohavanijaya, Chunhei (Bevis) | 969 | U6 |
16 | | | Sriyotha, Teeprakorn (PoomPoom) | 951 | U8 |
17 | | | Wareesi, Nawat (Pokklao) | 947 | U8 |
18 | | | Aramrasmewanich, Tarit (Neil) | 942 | U6 |