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5th Closed Practice Tournament - ORCHID CHESS ACADEMY

Վերջին արդիացում05.10.2024 13:00:52, Creator/Last Upload: Arpita Samanta

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

6Akash, Tiwari5056055IND1782
9Deep, Dutta5093953IND1765
2Venkatesh, H35005138IND1712
7Amit, Tiwari25076922IND1683
8Soumen, Mondal35086111IND1664
1Pratish, Raj35067737IND1588
4Sayan, Bhattacharjee88125220IND1574
10Himadri, Bhandari25155407IND1479
5Diptayan, Debchoudhury25155393IND1458
3Ilhan, Mansiz25155040IND1455