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The Surat District Chess Association Under 13 Girls

Last update 06.10.2024 12:23:58, Creator/Last Upload: KiritGajiwala

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Starting rank

1Manvi, Amit Maheshwari33415650IND1523
2Chabbria, NyrahIND0
3Desai, RianaIND0
4Goyal, RaadhiyIND0
5Kalyankar, Oviya VivekIND0
6Mangukia, AadhyaIND0
7Mehta, Manya DineshIND0
8Panwala, Shreeya Mayankkumar531077064IND0
9Patel, Dhyanvi kIND0
10Patel, HeerIND0
11Patel, Kiana KanaiyalalIND0
12Patel, Prapti JayeshbhaiIND0
13Shah, Vihana SamirIND0
14Shah, Yashvi MiteshIND0
15Tapariya, JaanviIND0
16Vaghela, NirviIND0