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Torneo Uteg Campus

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.10.2024 20:55:47, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Javier Michel Sánchez.

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1Beas Tiznado, Julian AlejandroMEX0
2Bernal Jimenez, Chris AlejandroMEX0
3Cortes Gonzalez, Edgar EduardoMEX0
4González Moran, Jorge UlisesMEX0
5Lazaro Arellano, EduardoMEX0
6Moreno Gallegos, Ernesto AlexanderMEX0
7Olvera Angel, Sergio DavidMEX0
8Ortiz Ruiz, Carles Sebastian de JesúsMEX0
9Preciado Diaz, Josue AdrianMEX0
10Ramirez Aguilar, Jose AlbertoMEX0
11Silva Becerra, Edson GabrielMEX0
12Urbina Manzano, Miguel AngelMEX0