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Top Scot Motherwell Open

Darrera actualització05.10.2024 16:49:03, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Neev, Lukhi2409275SCO1822Lenzie
2Tavish, Railwani2410249SCO1604Lenzie
3Igor, Semenov2411326SCO1543Hamilton
4Tristan, Del Mar2410257SCO1459Edinburgh Resident
5Humam, Al Dakl Alla2410150SCO1443Lenzie
6Lochan, Balaji343411673SCO1399Lenzie
7Ciaran, ConwaySCO1329
8Oscar, Yip2413264SCO1295Prestwick
9Jacint, Sitkei2413795SCO1187Phones
10Atticus, Yip2413256SCO1173Prestwick
11Kyriakos, Mckenzie2415070SCO1163Edinburgh Resident
12Ross, Warcup2408597SCO1161Stirling
13Sai, Mallick2411768SCO1123Stewart Mel
14Yushu, Huang2413302SCO1052Lenzie
15Prithvi, NathanSCO1032
16David, ShengSCO1009
17Taylor, FletcherSCO1000Lothians Resident
18Sriram, Bhaskar2414317SCO985Lenzie
19Aatish, P VenkatesanSCO949
20Astitvaa, Aggarwal2416158SCO849Glasgow Academy
21Ashwathy, AngappanSCO0Queens Park