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II Open Escolar Gaditano SUB16 Fundacion Cadiz CFՎերջին արդիացում09.11.2024 13:42:08, Creator/Last Upload: ESCOBAR DOMINGUEZ, Daniel
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | Name | Rtg | սեռ | Խ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | Rosas Roman, Gabriel | 1855 | | S14 | Peña Alfil |
2 | Gamez Matamoros, Andres | 1849 | | S12 | Peña Alfil |
3 | Macias Verano, Jose Maria | 1782 | | S12 | Shahmat |
4 | Insua Conesa, Enrique | 1774 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
5 | Escobar Garcia, Alberto | 1759 | | S12 | Shahmat |
6 | He, Jingxuan | 1734 | | S14 | Shahmat |
7 | Moncada Palenzuela, Pablo Wenceslao | 1709 | | S14 | Algeciras |
8 | Xu, Chenjie (Lucas) | 1694 | | S14 | Shahmat |
9 | Kowalski Rubiales, Leo | 1654 | | S12 | Shahmat |
10 | Leal Rodriguez, Antonio | 1567 | | S14 | Conil |
11 | Dominguez Mora, Patricia | 1539 | w | S16 | Shahmat |
12 | Sanchez Castro, Miriam | 1519 | w | S16 | Conil |
13 | Bollar Bello, Victor | 1477 | | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
14 | Benitez Butron, Daniel | 1475 | | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
15 | Sanchez Rodriguez, Mario | 1457 | | S16 | Isleña |
16 | Gonzalez-Gaggero Perez, Ignacio | 1452 | | S12 | Algeciras |
17 | Acosta Bellido, Hugo | 1449 | | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
18 | Silva Martin, Marcos | 1446 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
19 | Ramirez Gallardo, Adrian | 1435 | | S12 | Conil |
20 | Gonzalez Capote, Ignacio | 1432 | | S14 | Shahmat |
21 | Lyamani Chaieb, Rayan | 1429 | | S14 | Algeciras |
22 | Iglesias Angulo, Manuel | 1422 | | S12 | Shahmat |
23 | Martinez Medina, Gil Damian | 1421 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
24 | Cordero Parada, Luis | 1406 | | S14 | Shahmat |
25 | Lopez Moreno, Jesus | 1398 | | S16 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
26 | Sanchez Amador, David | 1395 | | S16 | Alfil Invidente |
27 | De La O Hay, David | 1389 | | S12 | Shahmat |
28 | Escarti Gutierrez, Rodrigo | 1389 | | S12 | Shahmat |
29 | Mijan Saavedra, Daniel | 1377 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
30 | Sanchez Barbera, Hector | 1366 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
31 | Migliozzi Ibarra, Tommaso | 1364 | | S12 | Shahmat |
32 | Sanchez Castro, Arturo | 1357 | | S12 | Conil |
33 | Villegas Becerra, Manu | 1357 | | S14 | Shahmat |
34 | Pedregal Fernandez, Jose Maria | 1327 | | S12 | Shahmat |
35 | Fernandez Lopez, Mateo | 1318 | | S12 | Shahmat |
36 | Romero Nuñez, Adrian | 1304 | | S12 | Shahmat |
37 | Sanchez Barbera, Ainhoa | 1296 | w | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
38 | Moreno Ojeda, Angel Jesus | 1292 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
39 | Perdigones Vega, Irene | 1281 | w | S16 | Algeciras |
40 | Cabeza de Vaca Herrera, Jose Miguel | 0 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
41 | Ferrera Pozuelo, Pedro | 0 | | S12 | Peña Alfil |
42 | Fustegueras Aguinaga, Mario | 0 | | S16 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
43 | Garcia Iglesias, Martin | 0 | | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
44 | Garcia Pastrana, Manuela | 0 | w | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
45 | Gatica Garrido, Israel | 0 | | S12 | Puerto Santa Maria |
46 | Gomez Varona, Bruno | 0 | | S12 | Cadiz |
47 | Goñi Garcia, Mauro | 0 | | S14 | Alfil Invidente |
48 | Gutierrez Ortiz, Lucia | 0 | w | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
49 | Liu, Changshuo | 0 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
50 | Lobaton Yeste, Hugo | 0 | | S14 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
51 | Lopez Cuesta, Carlota | 0 | w | S12 | Ruy Lopez Chiclana |
52 | Marti Gutierrez, Marco | 0 | | S12 | Shahmat |
53 | Morales Fernandez, Sergio | 0 | | S14 | Alfil Invidente |
54 | Navarrete Urruticoechea, Gonzalo | 0 | | S14 | Shahmat |
55 | Perez Caravaca, Jose Luis | 0 | | S12 | Shahmat |
56 | Pita Artiga, Pedro | 0 | | S12 | Alfil Invidente |
57 | Romero Cabello, Dario | 0 | | S12 | Jerez |
58 | Vazquez Roman, Pablo | 0 | | S16 | Algeciras |