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2024 22nd KCFAP Standard-60 Saturday Tournament

Posledná aktualizácia 12.10.2024 09:12:14, Creator/Last Upload: Ignatius Leong

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Štartová listina

1AGMTeoh, Yi Hearn Lawrence5706882MAS1788
2Lee, Tsuen Jin Aiesec5829810SGP1764
3FMLeong, Ignatius5800242LAO1741
4AIMLim, Huay Leon Warren5802555SGP1701
5Halomoan, Marco Matheus7126417INA1690
6Mooi, Kok Onn Osric5800528SGP1686
7Lean, Boon Cheng Richard5802911SGP1662
8AFMTeo, Hong Kai Javier5835518SGP1602
9AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1580
10Chew, Cedric5803276SGP1548
11Teo, Zhiguang5835526SGP1500
12Chew, Clement5802407SGP1411