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بطولة المرأة

Seinast dagført04.10.2024 09:33:06, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Committee

Search for player Leita


1Al Muqrishi, Jumanah22026657OMA0
2Al Shukaili, Hoor22013709OMA1498
3Al Shukaili, Reem22013695OMA1454
4Al Maqbali, Doaa22016325OMA1441
5Al Hidi, Jumana22014330OMA0
6Al Dhuhli, Manar22012931OMA0
7Sahanna, Rajmohan25140647IND1419
8Al Balushi, Mariya22000330OMA1558
9Shybi, Binoj25138650IND1783
10Al Ghafri, Alanoud22000313OMA1576
11Al Nadabi, Yomna22014373OMA1585
12Al Mamary, Kothar22016856OMA1583
13Al Ghafri, Fathima22016937OMA0
14Al Ghafri, Noor22016929OMA1488
15Al Balushi, Afra22000321OMA1550
16Al Balushi, Miznah22010785OMA1443
17khoula mubarak al-habsi,OMA0
18taif hilal al-zakwani,OMA0