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Copa Kasparov 3a Edición "Naxhelli de Loera" in memoriam Վերջին արդիացում06.10.2024 20:20:15, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Montiel Sanchez, Victor Manuel | 5119286 | MEX | 1991 | Ajedrez H8 |
2 | CM | Hernandez Luna, Jose Angel | 5123801 | MEX | 1952 | Tec de Monterrey-SLP |
3 | | Martinez Romero, Miguel | 29622514 | MEX | 1653 | Real de San Luis |
4 | | Sotelo Anguiano, Daniela | 5183243 | MEX | 1644 | COBACH 28 |
5 | | Castillo, Rodriguez Alberto | 5191211 | MEX | 1632 | |
6 | | Guerrero, Arvizu Juan Antonio | 29632102 | MEX | 1621 | Ajedrez H8 |
7 | | Millan, Hernandez Demian Agustin | 5156211 | MEX | 1612 | Tec de Monterrey-SLP |
8 | | Martinez, Sabanero Claudia Montse | 29624657 | MEX | 1604 | Ajedrez H8 |
9 | | Martinez Tejeda, Lorena | 5146615 | MEX | 1573 | |
10 | | Sandoval, Mancilla Camila | | MEX | 1555 | COBACH 28 |
11 | | Hernandez, Hernandez Eduardo | | MEX | 1499 | Ajedrez H8 |
12 | | Encarnación Castro, Adolfo Israel | | MEX | 0 | |
13 | | Gutiérrez Hurtado, Emmanuel | | MEX | 0 | |
14 | | Mendoza Castro, Carlos E. | | MEX | 0 | |
15 | | Trinidad Padrón, Alejandro | | MEX | 0 | Ajedrez H8 |