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Ubar Chess Trophy Inter District Rapid Chess Tournament Open Gr- Under 10 Event code 0205/DKCA/2024

Darrera actualització04.10.2024 12:16:44, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Vasanth BH

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Rànquing inicial

1AFMSamhith, Jossy Lobo429060311IND0
2Advith H S,0Ambika Vidhyalaya, Puttur
3Arya S Boloor,0Lcs Bejai Mangaluru
4Dakshith M,IND0
5Himanish Gowda K,0
6K Manvith Rai,0
7Kiyara, Prakash Sheka48738832IND0
8Lekhashree T N,0Assis Central School
9Melrick Brayan Lewis Lewis,IND0
10Muhammad Talha,0
11Namya N Shetty,0
12Pranam N,0Kaiyyoor
13Rathul Advaith K,IND0
14Reuben Michael Crasta,0Loreto English Medium High School
15S Rakesh Rai,0St Anns
16Shourya P Rai,0
17Vania Shetty,0Little Rock Indian School