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NM Dr Harold Chan Open 2024 - U1400 FEM Section

Darrera actualització06.10.2024 01:34:00, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Logan, Leah7409818JAM1229St. Andrew Preparatory
2Trowers, JhennyssaJAM1224Cap Chess Academy
3Gardener, Rhea7409605JAM1212Cap Chess Academy
4Paladugu, Saanvi7407084JAM1180Campion
5Terry Gordon, Yeney7411880JAM1180Ardenne Preparatory And Extens
6Daniels, Ariana-Marie7411030JAM1156Legendary Chess Academy
7Elliott, Zoë7410581JAM1029Campion College
8Hinds, NatályaJAM965Cap Chess Academy
9Patel, GracyJAM918Hopefield Prep
10Jones, Abigail7408510JAM887Liguanea Prep
11Rhone, Tisha7411278JAM864St. Andrew High School For Gir
12Powell, Kirsten7411260JAM787Glenmuir High School Chess Clu
13Williamson, Kelly7411316JAM651Glenmuir High School Chess Clu