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Last update 04.10.2024 00:20:20, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Javier Michel Sánchez.

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Starting rank

1Medina Calderon, Victor ManuelMEX1976
2Yanez Melendez, Carlos ArturoMEX1928
3Farias Guzman, JonathanMEX1800
4Garcia Barradas, Hugo IvanMEX1724
5Villasenor Rodriguez, Gerardo IvanMEX1705
6Michel Sanchez, Francisco JavierMEX1645
7Pena Lazcano, Alan MichelMEX1580
8Tejeda Enriquez, ManuelMEX1497
9Marin Plascencia, Sergio FidelMEX1485
10Montano Michel, Jose EnriqueMEX1442
11Gonzalez Guzman, LeopoldoMEX1345
12Robles Mosqueda, Ian ElizardoMEX1214
13Henriquez Ramirez, Eduardo AlbertoMEX1200
14De la torre Navarro, GustavoMEX0