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IRT Rapido Copa C.C Plaza Mayor

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.10.2024 00:03:16, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.13)

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1Benitez Bastidas, Charles3934497VEN2015
2Blanco Prada, Bairo3911802VEN1813
3Garcia Montilla, Luis Omar3963934VEN1739
4Linares Prada, Holvis De Jesus3953700VEN1707
5Rujano Vega, Abraham Alfredo23911514VEN1650
6Oliveros Venelaes, Pedro Alexander3971066VEN1630
7Marin Rivas, Carlos Jose23905506VEN1623
8Davila Martinez, Michelle Andreina23907940VEN1587
9Lacruz Ramirez, Nicolas Alfonso23907967VEN1552
10Legrand Lozano, Micaela AraceliVEN1471
11Aparicio Alvarado, Estefany SaraiVEN0
12Ardila Ardila, Luis Gilberto3915859VEN0
13Barrios Varela, Manuel Alejandro23911484VEN0
14Cadenas Sanchez,, Fidel Eduardo23913525VEN0
15Davila Martinez, Adriana IsabelVEN0
16Diaz Medina, Romelt AlbertoVEN0
17Duquez Guillen, Adriana Lucia23913533VEN0
18Duquez Guillen, Ana Daniela23903651VEN0
19Escalona Guillen, Abdiel Matteo23913541VEN0
20Gutierrez Pellegrini, Guillermo AugustoVEN0
21Hernandez Mora, LeonardoVEN0
22Lacruz Ramirez, Matias Alejandro23913568VEN0
23Lacruz Ramirez, Samuel Felipe23913576VEN0
24Legrand Lozano, Valentina LorenaVEN0
25Molina Pino, Karla Sophia23911573VEN0
26Mora Portillo, Luis MarioVEN0
27Ramirez Contreras, Aquis BellermanVEN0
28Romero Nieves, Raquel Sinai23913622VEN0
29Romero Nieves, Samuel Andres23913630VEN0
30Sanchez Zambrano, MoisesVEN0
31Sanguino Ortiz, Adrian Santiago23913649VEN0
32Varela Carrero, Jhean MarcoVEN0