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Memorijalni šahovski turnir "Izet Kovačević 2024"

Seinast dagført13.10.2024 15:59:16, Creator/Last Upload: HusnijA

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1Komic, Ibrahim14401312BIH2147
2AIMBeganovic, Enver14405482BIH2123
3Hebilovic, Mirsad14409518BIH1954
4Hozdic, Asmir14411695BIH1949
5Ruznic, Ramiz14406667BIH1934
6Salkic, Esad14422085BIH1918
7Begic, Mujo14424614BIH1915
8Mustedanagic, Enver14432170BIH1897
9Coralic, Sead14411652BIH1864
10Hebilovic, Mehmed14411687BIH1860
11Bilkic, Sulejman14422000BIH1848
12Catakovic, Senahid14428571BIH1794
13Grosic, Elvir14405504BIH1792
14Dzinic, Edin14427320BIH1785
15Japic, Amir14425696BIH1781
16Mustafic, Remzija14436620BIH1727
17Begic, Osman14428563BIH1684
18Hadzalic, HimzagaBIH0
19Racic, Aziz A14438720BIH0
20Salkic, NedimBIH0