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USKU-Oktoberturnier 2024 2. Bewerb der Monats-Turnierserie 2024/25

Seinast dagført30.10.2024 08:50:45, Creator/Last Upload: USK Uttendorf i. Pzg.

Search for player Leita


1Feichtner, Thomas2024S50Uttendorf
2Lamberger, Werner1966S50Uttendorf
3Schöpf, Gerhard1871S50Uttendorf
4Grundner, Alois1801S65Uttendorf
5Scharler, Walter1769S65Uttendorf
6Fuerst, Helmut1721S65Zell am See
7Halili, Pullumb1516S65Zell Am See
8Gumz, Lewis990U12Uttendorf
9Gumz, Edward982U14Uttendorf
10Chanbabaev, Amir821U14Uttendorf
11Ensmann, Günther0Mittersill
12Hartl, Maximilian0U12Uttendorf
13Kirchner, Martin0S50Uttendorf
14Wimmer, Paul0S65Mittersill