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Secretary District Chess Association Sagar - Nitin chourasia (8817848888)
Organizer - Abhijeet Awasthi (9329296327)
Pairing Officer - Vanshita Jain (8319275797)

4th Olympio Chess Academy inter School Class Wise Tournament Sagar Boys/Girls Class 10th to 12th

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.10.2024 15:09:11, Creator/Last Upload: nitincervo

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1Haris Parwez Ahmed,IND0
2Madhusudan Singh Hazari,IND0
3Shubh Saena,IND0
4Siya Shrivastava,IND0
5Tanishq Kumar Dhruv,IND0
6Yashvarhan Chadar,IND0