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Secretary District Chess Association Sagar - Nitin chourasia (8817848888)
Organizer - Abhijeet Awasthi (9329296327)
Pairing Officer - Vanshita Jain (8319275797)

4th Olympio Chess Academy inter School Class Wise Tournament Sagar Boys/Girls Class 10th to 12th

Last update 28.10.2024 09:16:10, Creator/Last Upload: nitincervo

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Starting rank

1Rishi, Sonwani33305714IND1519
2Barman, Yuvraj531029094IND1497
4Dipanshu Kewat,IND0GVM HSS Jabalpur
5Haris Parwez Ahmed,IND0Mahar Regiment Public School
6Madhusudan Singh Hazari,IND0Greatmen International School
7Mahima Lodhi,IND0CM rIse school
8Rudra Rajput,IND0
9shlok sarthi,IND0greatmen international
10Shubh Saxena,IND0Paras Vidhya Vihar
11Siya Shrivastava,IND0Swadesh Chess Academy
12Tanishq Kumar Dhruv,IND0St Gabriel School Ranjhi Jabalpur
13Utkarsh, Jha48782980IND0
14Yashvardhan Chadar,IND0KV 1