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Ambition 5th Fide Standard Rating Chess Tournament

Last update 05.10.2024 11:24:42, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1Md Rabiul, Hossain10227776BAN1874
2Md. Ruhul, Amin10212159BAN1806
3Mohammed Sanwarul, Islam Khan10284680BAN1714
9Fahad Bin, Abu Ahsan10284451BAN1611
4Aditya, Samudra10288244BAN1543
5Arpon, Mazumder Arghya532003420BAN0
6Bishwajit, Mazumder Antu532000090BAN0
7Jane, Alam10293426BAN0
8Kazi, Fatin Noor10293450BAN0