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Steirische Landesliga 2013/2014

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Tabellone per classifica (Pts.)

PosSquadra123456789101112 Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1Schachfreunde Graz * 51451745,50
2Spg. Feldbach-Kirchberg * 543375661552,50
3Esv Austria Graz33 * 4546651548,50
4Tsv Hartberg44 * 344575514520
5Leoben7535 * 34431248,50
6Rbej Gleisdorf4 * 5651244,50
7Styria Graz4545 * 3346511460
8Sc Pinggau-Friedberg435 * 9400
9Sv Schachamazonen Graz12½45 * 39370
10Spg. Trofaiach-Niklasdorf331434 * 66390
11Fürstenfeld22322 * 6380
12Spg. Kapfenberg/Norske/Bruck23353352 * 635,50

Cls1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Cls2: points (game-points)
Cls3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints