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SFA Delhi Under 15 Girls tmt 24

Last update 06.10.2024 13:45:51, Creator/Last Upload: vlanandh

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Starting rank

1Samaira, Jain25789830IND1460Springdales School, Delhi, Pus
2Vritti, Jain429095123IND1405Nehru World School, Ghaziabad,
3Afiyah, KhanIND0St. Anthony's Senior Secondary
4Aliciya, GambhirIND0Gurukul The School, Ghaziabad,
5Anandi,IND0Government School Nithari, Sec
6Avika, TyagiIND0Delhi Public School, Raj Nagar
7Bhuvi, ChauhanIND0Indirapuram Public School, Gha
8Devanshi, SinghIND0Indirapuram Public School, Cro
9Gunni, AnejaIND0Pathways World School, Gurugra
10Irum, ShafiqueIND0St. Anthony's Senior Secondary
11Kanishka, SharmaIND0Dlf Public School, Ghaziabad,
12Lavanya, MalhotraIND0Nehru World School, Ghaziabad,
13M, SolaiIND0St. Anthony's Senior Secondary
14Nishtha, PujaraIND0Dlf Public School, Ghaziabad,
15Rahan, AnejaIND0Pathways World School, Gurugra
16Sayeesha, DohareIND0St. Anthony's Senior Secondary
17Shanvi, SinghIND0Indus Valley Public School, No
18Shreya,IND0St. Anthony's Senior Secondary