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II Torneo de Ajedrez Rapid del Club de Leones de San Francisco - U10

Last update 22.10.2024 18:55:28, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank

1Antinori Rodriguez, Giuseppe Umberto6623000PAN1563Proyecto 64
2Pineda Aguirre, Jenner Antonio6621848PAN1425Elite Horse Chess
3Atencio Perez, Gabriela Sofia6627331PAN0wElite Horse Chess
4De Leon Perez, Emanuel Fabian6632513PAN0POCC
5Gallyamov, Ilal6630049PAN0Proyecto 64
6Garcia Marroquin, Aldo Mateo6617069PAN0Brain Master Gym
7Herrera Barria, Analia Victoria6628974PAN0wPOCC
8Oro Abrego, Caleb Benjamin6632521PAN0POCC
9Ramos Chung, Ian Andres6619444PAN0Proyecto 64
10Rodrigues Onofre, Caterina6626033PAN0wBrain Master Gym
11Vasquez, Juan Carlos6618553PAN0Smile Factory
12Wensveen, Juan-Maarten6624120PAN0Proyecto 64