IRT - Válido ELO FIDE - Sala de juego: Plaza de Deportes Nº 12
R1: Sab 16/11 - 10 hs
R2: Sab 16/11 - 13 hs
R3: Sab 16/11 - 16 hs
R4: Dom 17/11 - 9:30 hs
R5: Dom 17/11 - 12:30 hs
Inscripciones: Cel 099 505 110 -
Se puede solicitar un bye de ½ punto, unicamente para la ronda 1
Imprescindible comunicarlo al árbitro antes de la publicación de los emparejamientos

La Proa de Fiesta - Sub 1700 (FIDE)

Organizer(s)Club de Ajedrez La Proa
FederationUruguay ( URU )
Tournament directorLlabrés, Miguel [3003558]
Chief ArbiterFA Figueroa, Alfonso [3004830]
Time control (Standard)60 min + 30 seg/mov
Location Plaza de Deportes Nº 12 - Dr. Magested y Dr. José María Penco - Mvd.
Number of rounds5
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating international
Date2024/11/16 to 2024/11/17
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 23.10.2024 04:43:02, Creator/Last Upload: AF Alfonso Figueroa

Tournament selectionPlus-1700, Sub-1700, Sin-ELO, Sub-12, Sub-10, Sub-8
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details, no flags
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
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Starting rank

No. NameFideIDRtgIRtgNsexTypClub/City
Fauci, Bruno302022315621269U16La Proa
AFMStefano, Avril301923315360wLa Proa
Amaral, Jonathan301431201455Mijail Tal