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Holmpatrick NS Tournament 2024

Last update 10.12.2024 16:10:28, Creator/Last Upload:

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Alphabetical list

1Aaron O'Neill1105IRL
2Alessia Ventre1100IRL
3Becca Lyons1070IRL
4Ben Long1250IRL
5Cian Johnson1340IRL
6Cillian Maclean1190IRL
7Ethan Kelly1160IRL
8Finn Taylor1280IRL
9Ilya Bysov1260IRL
10Joey Deegan1310IRL
11Karim Atmeh1220IRL
12Odhrán Duff1200IRL
13Peadar Sherlock1400IRL
14Peter Pongratz1370IRL
15Ruby Deegan1350IRL