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17. FIDE pospešeno prv. Pirana 3/4

Last update 03.10.2024 21:31:01, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

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Starting rank

1Berni, Alen14517370CRO1788ŠK Buje
2Garic, Mario14513803CRO1775ŠK Buje
3IIVrecek, Matej14606038SLO1714ŠD Izola
4IIIGuzic, Valerio14636050SLO1660ŠD Piran
5IIPloc, Albert14608081SLO1651ŠD Piran
6IIFeld, Slavko14614138SLO1623ŠD Piran
7Krzic, Edvard14667576SLO1608ŠD Piran
8Zagar, Katarina14653826SLO1413ŠK Komenda