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Gilan Cadets Chess Championship 1403 (Boys U18)

Senast uppdaterad23.10.2024 18:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 156)

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1Kouchaki, Amirreza32769857IRI1894
2Bolandakhtar, Ata42562759IRI1881
3Karimi, Arad22535233IRI1785
4Rajabzadeh, Arsam32797354IRI1778
5Khanlari, Aryan42583497IRI1751
6Noparast, Kian32718047IRI1727
7Soltani, Mohammadmahdi32780516IRI1697
8Forootan, Avash32736215IRI1693
9Mortezapour, Mohammad42755697IRI1583
10Latifi, Mohammadhosein428000919IRI1501
11Moamer, Amirreza22596003IRI1446
12Poorkhoshgovari, Sami428009134IRI1444
13Nazarinezhad, Amirali36776009IRI0
14Paghandeh, Alireza428073479IRI0