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Gilan Cadets Chess Championship 1403 (Boys U18) Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 18:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 156)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Kouchaki, Amirreza | 32769857 | IRI | 1894 |
2 | | Bolandakhtar, Ata | 42562759 | IRI | 1881 |
3 | | Karimi, Arad | 22535233 | IRI | 1785 |
4 | | Rajabzadeh, Arsam | 32797354 | IRI | 1778 |
5 | | Khanlari, Aryan | 42583497 | IRI | 1751 |
6 | | Noparast, Kian | 32718047 | IRI | 1727 |
7 | | Soltani, Mohammadmahdi | 32780516 | IRI | 1697 |
8 | | Forootan, Avash | 32736215 | IRI | 1693 |
9 | | Mortezapour, Mohammad | 42755697 | IRI | 1583 |
10 | | Latifi, Mohammadhosein | 428000919 | IRI | 1501 |
11 | | Moamer, Amirreza | 22596003 | IRI | 1446 |
12 | | Poorkhoshgovari, Sami | 428009134 | IRI | 1444 |
13 | | Nazarinezhad, Amirali | 36776009 | IRI | 0 |
14 | | Paghandeh, Alireza | 428073479 | IRI | 0 |