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Gilan Youth Chess Championship 1403 (Girls U14)

Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 18:27:04, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 156)

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Štartová listina

1Khedmati, Atieh42702976IRI1578
2Khodadadi, Nafas42758742IRI1543
3Shahidi Kasmaii, Niayesh36764078IRI1525
4Nabizadeh, Arghavan36776378IRI1484
5Alizadeh Golsari, Shaina42705401IRI1450
6Delzendeh, Arnika42752000IRI1448
7Khanjani, Arezoo42752132IRI0
8Norouzi, Baran428071999IRI0
9Norouzi, Janan428019431IRI0
10Norouzi, Rahil36794007IRI0
11Parvardeh, FatemehIRI0
12Sayyar Taramsari, Sena36750166IRI0
13Shabanzadeh, Baran42705789IRI0
14Silakhori, NikaIRI0