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Gilan Cadets Chess Championship 1403 (Girls U10)

Darrera actualització23.10.2024 18:52:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 156)

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Rànquing inicial

1Bagheri, Maha36793949IRI1573
2Rahpeima, Savina36794023IRI1565
3Rokhjavan, Narges42747210IRI1526
4Pakzad, Delsa428048997IRI1480
5Sayyar, Zahra42741610IRI1468
6Akbari, Liana42763878IRI0
7Farahvashi, Noora428073061IRI0
8Ghadimi, FatemehIRI0
9Mohammadi, Mehrsa36736023IRI0
10Pournasiri, Deniz36777706IRI0
11Rezazadeh, MohannaIRI0
12Soltani, Termeh428041305IRI0