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Wey Valley, Surrey Christmas Rapid Play U10 Section and U10 London Junior Chess Championship Qualifier

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.12.2024 12:16:30, Creator/Last Upload: Emma-Jane Billington-Phillips

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1Agarwal, Naisha362089532
2Simpson, Max364742901
3Wallder, Tommy355911507
4Markovich, Gavin00
5Fedulov, Andrew359182670
6Bethell, George00
7Okonweze, Oliver363643617
8Ou, Hanke367626109
9Abdelli, Elise Zeynep345733519
10Pearce, William00
11Gogulen, Easan3434341089
12Lazopoulos, Constantinos344077472
13Shiu, Tsz Ho Lucas00
14Chen, Yunqi3715930
15Shore, Henry341376890
16Ge, Charlie00
17Sinha, Jaejoon351322740
18Lancaster, Oscar00
19Syrett, Lucian368924581
20Holmes, Daniel3489271032
21Chen, Louis357086815
22Ahmed, Zaydan3552251029
23Nammuni, Anna364161567
24Carter, Mortimer364070549
25Bagla, Aalia366798422
26Michael, Hezekiah363633300
27Barrett, Remy371869455
28Gleave, Charlotte356926320
29Li, Alice364584922