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Round 2 on 2024/10/16 at 13:20

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
19Thomas, Lacey11901 1 - 01 Mohammad, Huzaifa Amjad12602
23Patrick, Beglan12501 ½ - ½1 Jack, Kiernan12008
311Fionn, Menendez O'Kane11701 1 - 01 Christian, Branigan12404
421Lily, Power10601 1 - 01 Millie, Duff12206
57Tara, Keogan12101 1 - 01 Kitty, Woods104023
61Tom, Tyndall1270½ 1 - 00 Luke, Mcmahon118010
75Anna, Costelloe12300 0 - 1½ Adam, Morris116012
822Cassie, Walls10500 1 - 00 Sophia, Lannon109018
917Seren, Keogh11000 0 - 10 Liam, Donohue113014
1015Evan, Early11200 0 - 10 Layla, O'Sullivan Kelly107020
1119James, Mckay10800 0 - 10 Darragh, Keane111016
1213Alex, Clarke11400 0 not paired