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Scoil Realt Na Mara Rang 5 Inion de Breit

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Round 1 on 2024/10/09 at 12:50

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
18Moore Matthew12000 0 - 10 McGinty Dara12701
22Tolan Finn12600 1 - 00 Dunne Seán11909
310Farrelly Abi11800 1 - 00 Walsh Ryan Ellie113015
44Traynor Ted12400 0 - 10 O'Connor Sara117011
512Walls Bébhinn11600 0 - 10 Curran Charlie12305
66Bolger Adam12200 1 - 00 Davies Cerys115013
714Keogan Fiona11400 0 - 10 Loughran Áine12107
816Simpson Liam11200 ½ - ½0 Murray Charlotte106022
923Hickey Abigail10500 1 - 00 Cunningham Mark111017
1018Conway Cole11000 1 - 00 Carvin Mason108020
1125Johnston Emma10300 1 - 00 Grimes Ryan109019
123Fanning Harvey12500 0 not paired 
1321Mckenna Niamh10700 0 not paired 
1424Moran Tara10400 0 not paired 
1526Perrin Charlize10200 0 not paired