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2024 National Youth Games- Women Section

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.10.2024 11:54:08, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

6Ntsielo, BonoloLES1785
5Thetsane, NtebohelengLES1630
8Molise, LintleLES1613
2Shao, KaraboLES1572
9Taioe, ReitumetseLES1565
4Tlaitlai, RelebeletseLES1410
7Kananelo, KhakhaneLES0
10Lekhoana, ThatoLES0
1Motlomelo, TebohoLES0
3Ntheola, BoiketloLES0