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3.Kadetski turnir "Šahovski krug"Aleksinac 12.10.2024.11H OŠ "Vožd Krađorđe" Starija grupa

Last update 12.10.2024 14:58:01, Creator/Last Upload: IGRAJSAH

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Starting rank

1AFMCirkovic, Mateja9237199M161661
2Bogdanic, Vuk D9228572M161586
3Racic, Nikolina9236451Z141441
4Djordjevic, DusanM140
5Milenkovic, IlijaM140
6Milosevic, LukaM140
7Nikolic, Nikolina9237709Z140
8Perisic, IvaZ140
9Stanojevic, BogdanM160