56. Südtiroler Mannschaftsmeisterschaft 2024/25 - Gebietsliga C-Ost

Zadnja izmjena11.01.2025 21:37:00, Creator/Last Upload: StegerA

Odabir turniraLL-A, LL-B, GL C-West, GL C-Süd, GL C-Ost
Odabir parametara pokaži podatke o turniru, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
ListePoredak sa partijama, Tabela, Lista po nositeljstvu, Abecedna lista igrača, Alphabetical list all groups, Satnica, Podaci o Federacijama, Partijama i Titulama
Turnirski sastav sa rezultatima po kolima, Turnirski sastav bez rezultata po kolima, Parovi ekipa za sva kola
Poeni po pločamaKolo.1, Kolo.2, Kolo.3, Kolo.4, Kolo.5
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Poredak sa partijama (Poen.)

Mj.Ekipa12345678 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1SK Ehrenburg II * 2224713,50
2Brixen/MIlland II2 * 34712,50
3SC Gröden III2½ * 269,50
4ASK Niederdorf2 * 35100
5SC Ridnaun/Sterzing1 * 4490
6Klausen/Raika Untereisacktal VI02½0 * 12,50
7Klausen/Raika Untereisacktal III½01 * 030
8spielfrei * 000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (variabel)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints